by Yums Cleary, Bournemouth University.
The 2017-2023 SAMARCH projects investigation into the survival and movement patterns of salmonid populations relied on the dedicated collaboration of expert teams from both sides of the English Channel. Throughout the project, salmonid ecology and phenology produced peaks of extreme data collection wherein students were invited to swell the workforce and provide fieldwork assistance during the labour-intensive spring smolt run and late summer parr-tagging. The mutualistic relationship between researchers and students was fundamental to SAMARCH and in return for student enthusiasm and effort, SAMARCH provided instruction and an ecological platform from which many students embarked on a career or further study.
Having completed several short placements with the GWCT on the river Frome (Dorset, UK) during 2020 and 2021, I experienced first-hand the value of practical placements under the guidance of expert ecologists, and was delighted to make an infographic presentation (Figure 1) to highlight the student element at the final International SAMARCH Conference of March 2023.

Figure 1: Poster presentation and infographics illustrating the mutually beneficial influence of the SAMARCH project and student placements at the International SAMARCH Conference at Southampton, March 2023.