This morning we had news from one of the five rivers in the SAMARCH project, the Bresle in Normandy, that one of the 5 tagged sea trout kelts we implanted with acoustic and data storage tags (DST) last winter as part of a trial for the technique has returned to the river and was captured by Quentin JOSSET and his team in the fish trap on the lower Bresle. The tag was surgically removed and the fish recovered and swam away to continue its journey upstream to spawn this Autumn. Our acoustic recievers have also detected another of our tagged sea trout swimming in the bay near the Bresle, hopefully we can get that one also.
The DST records water pressure and temperature and this data can be modelled to provide information on the location and swimming depths of the fish in the sea. We will now analyse the tag for what secrets it holds about the fishes journey in the sea between December 2017 and today.