Students from project partner Agrocampus Ouest in Rennes, France have spent the last few weeks creating a series of videos that explains what the SAMARCH project aims to achieve, with details of each technical work package. A huge thank you to the students who put a lot of work into creating these videos including trips to the UK to interview key project staff.
You can view each video here:
- Introduction to the SAMARCH project
- WP T1 Tracking of salmon and sea trout in coastal and transitional waters
- WP T2 Developing genetic tools to better manage sea trout
- WP T3 Improving the statutory tools used to manage salmon in England and France
- WP T4 Policy development and training
- About the SAMARCH project
Will Beaumont, le chargé du projet GWCT SAMARCH, discutant du processus de téléchargement des données de smolts et d’adultes post-frai provenant d’un récepteur acoustique sur la partie inférieure de la Frome